Interview with the Maker: Lee&Lo Handmade Wearables

Artisan: Lia Croce-Vasquez, Lee&Lo Handmade Wearables

1. Tell us the story about how you were first inspired to start your small business.

​I've always been a maker. I got better with time, and I was also able to get better materials as I got older. When I was in high school, I was always creating things for myself and family. Then it turned into friends, teachers, and their loved ones. I made prom dresses and the jewelry that went along with them. In college, I got more serious about it and decided to make it a business. People responded well to what I was making, which inspired and pushed me to continue.

2. What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning and work on your business?

I first got furloughed, then laid off from my design job in the city. So I've been hustling hard to make this work even more because it's helping put food on the table and a roof over our heads. My kids and husband motivate me just by being alive, and my kids don't even know it since they're so young. But I want to prove to myself and them that no matter how long it can take sometimes, you can make your dreams come true.

3. How was owning a small business in 2020 different than the year before (positives and negatives)?

It's been completely different for me because I've been scared to get sick, or anyone in the house sick. I have lupus, so that adds another level of stress to the already random things that my body does. My main source of exposure and sale opportunities come from pop-ups in stores, and markets that I do throughout the year. I wasn't able to do ANY, at all in 2020. The positive that I'm seeing though, was that I've been able to push harder for my online marketplace to work, I redid my website to look more like my creations, and with some money that I had left, I was able to do some marketing for my online shop. I'm just trying it all to hopefully get to where we were before. But it has been hard.

4. How has your business mission changed or gotten stronger as your business has grown?

I feel like my business has grown in some ways, and stayed the same in others. My push for things has grown and my mission has stayed the same but I've actually been able to do things since I've been home. It's been a double edged sword really. For both the good and the bad.

5. Tell us something about yourself that is completely non-business related (i.e. a favorite hobby, volunteering, family, etc).

I am married with two little boys, and I just turned 37. People can't believe I'm 37, so when I say it, it's pretty alarming to most. So the fact that I've been pushing for this for so long, is sort of a delicate situation for me since I really want it to work, and I don't want to stop designing or creating.

6. Do you have a favorite story about working with Marketspace or from a Marketspace event?

Yes! When I first met Kim and Kevin, they were so friendly and helpful. It made me feel better about still wanting to go out and do markets/shows because they were also two parents doing what they love. They helped us get situated and helped with other markets since we were new to the area. I just love the whole community and being part of it.

7. What piece of advice or business tip can you offer to makers that are just starting out?

It's ok to learn as you go. You don't have to wait to have your complete ducks in a row because sometimes you may not get them all in a row, and you'll just be waiting to start. You never know what will happen tomorrow, literally. You just have to do what's on your list, so each day you're closer to where you want to be.

We love working with you, Lia. We know 2020 has been a tough and unstable year for you, but it’s so great to see your positive outlook despite the hard times. You’ve given a great example of being laid off from your full-time job and turning that into an opportunity for yourself and your small business!